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6 Video Marketing Trends Every FinTech Company Must Know

Transform your FinTech marketing with these six video trends that will simplify complex finance and change how you connect with your audience. From authentic storytelling to interactive experiences, discover the key to building trust, engagement, and success in the digital marketplace.

In the fast-paced FinTech world, video marketing stands out as a source of clarity, offering a way to simplify finance and build trust with customers.

As we gear up for 2024, embracing video trends is key for FinTech companies aiming to connect with their audience and explain complex services simply. This article will guide you through six trends that aim to make your video content not just seen but felt and understood, ensuring your message resonates in a crowded digital marketplace.

6 FinTech Video Marketing Trends

Authenticity and Transparency

Gone are the days of glossy, scripted finance ads. Today’s fintech scene is all about authenticity and transparency in video marketing. It’s a move towards real stories and genuine interactions, where companies talk with their customers, not at them. This approach breaks down the complex finance lingo into conversations as easy as chatting with a friend over coffee.

This shift is crucial because it directly addresses the trust issues that many customers have with the financial sector. By showing the faces behind the services and explaining processes openly, fintech companies can forge stronger, more personal connections with their audience. It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being believed and trusted.

Short-Form Videos

Short-form videos are taking the FinTech world by storm, thanks to platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. These quick clips are perfect for grabbing attention in a fast-scrolling world. FinTech companies are using them to simplify complex financial concepts into digestible bits that are as easy to consume as your morning news feed. It’s about making finance accessible and relatable, one short video at a time.

The problem this trend tackles is the notoriously short attention span of online audiences. With so much content vying for their eyes, customers often skip over anything that looks too time-consuming or complicated. Short-form videos cut through the noise, delivering key messages in a way that’s not just quick to watch but also quick to stick in the viewer’s mind. For FinTech, this means turning complex ideas into clear and digestible pieces of information, transforming how financial literacy is spread among the digitally savvy.

Educational and Explainer Videos

The FinTech industry is complex, and there’s a growing trend toward using educational and explainer videos to break down tough topics. These videos use clear visuals and everyday language to turn the complicated world of finance into something anyone can understand. They’re not just about selling a product; they’re about providing value through knowledge, whether it’s a snappy animation about investing basics or a step-by-step guide on using a new banking app.

The challenge here is the knowledge gap. Many people find FinTech intimidating and steer clear of products they don’t understand. Educational videos bridge this gap, empowering customers with the know-how they need to make informed decisions. For FinTech companies, this means not only attracting customers but also equipping them to use their services effectively, fostering confidence and loyalty in the process.

Personalization and Customization

Personalization is the new frontier in FinTech video marketing. It’s about creating content that speaks directly to your viewer, with messages tailored to individual interests, behaviors, and needs. Imagine a video from your bank that addresses you by name and offers advice based on your recent transactions or financial goals. This level of customization is becoming a game-changer, making every communication feel like a one-on-one conversation.

The issue at hand is the generic, one-size-fits-all approach that often leaves customers feeling disconnected. Personalized videos tackle this by making each viewer feel seen and understood, which is especially important in the FinTech industry, where trust and personal relevance are key. This trend is helping companies move away from broad broadcasts to creating meaningful connections, turning viewers into engaged customers.

Live Streaming and Webcasts

Live streaming is reshaping how FinTech companies interact with their audience. It’s real-time, it’s interactive, and it adds a human touch to digital finance. Through live Q&A sessions, product launches, and expert discussions, FinTech companies are engaging with their community on a personal level. This immediacy not only captures attention but also encourages a two-way conversation, something that traditional video formats can’t offer.

The problem live streaming addresses is the often impersonal nature of financial services. By broadcasting live, FinTech companies can answer questions on the spot, address concerns, and gather immediate feedback, making customers feel heard and valued. This trend is cutting through the digital distance, bringing customers and companies closer together in a space where every voice matters.

Interactive and Shoppable Videos

Interactive videos are revolutionizing the FinTech space by turning passive viewers into active participants. These videos invite users to click, choose, and interact within the video itself, providing a hands-on experience. Imagine exploring different investment options or navigating through the features of a digital wallet with just a click within the video. This level of interaction not only educates but also engages customers in the decision-making process.

The challenge interactive videos address is the static, one-way communication that often leaves viewers disengaged. In a sector where user experience is important, interactive elements make learning about financial products and services engaging and memorable. For FinTech companies, this means not only informing viewers but also giving them a direct path to action, whether it’s signing up for a webinar or exploring a new app feature, all without leaving the video.

What’s Next?

As we wrap up, it’s clear that video marketing isn’t just changing; it’s thriving with new opportunities for FinTech companies. By embracing these six trends, video producers can craft content that doesn’t just inform but also resonates with and engages the FinTech audience on a deeper level.

  • Authenticity and transparency
    • Show the real people behind your FinTech brand to build trust and connection.
  • Short-form videos
    • Capture and retain attention quickly in a world where every second counts.
  • Educational and explainer videos
    • Turn complex financial concepts into easy-to-understand visuals and narratives.
  • Personalization and customization
    • Speak directly to your audience’s needs for a more engaging video experience.
  • Live streaming and webcasts
    • Create real-time interactions to humanize your brand and provide immediate value.
  • Interactive and shoppable videos
    • Transform viewers into active participants to increase engagement and conversion.

For video producers in the FinTech industry, these trends are your tools to not only tell a story but also to invite your audience into it. They’re about making every video count, every message matter, and every viewer feel like part of your financial community. So, take these trends, get creative, and start producing videos that will lead the FinTech industry into a future where finance is not just smart but also socially savvy.


M2.0 Communications is a communications agency that helps brands tell meaningful stories. Along with our PR and digital services, we offer content creation and video production to enable brands to creatively engage with their audiences. Visit our case studies page to learn more about the brands we collaborate with.

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