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PR Services

Be prepared during unfamiliar situations. Stay on top with the best PR practices based on local and global industry expertise.

Strategic Planning for Campaigns

  • Audience Mapping
  • Media & Platform Planning

Stakeholder Management

  • Stakeholder Identification & Mapping
  • Stakeholder Communications Planning

Issues Management

  • Crisis Communications Management
  • Crisis Communications Training
  • Crisis Monitoring
  • Crisis Manual

Media Training

  • Message House Development
  • Media Training
  • Government Communications
  • Interview Simulations
  • Executive Briefing & Coaching


  • Forging strong and genuine relationships
  • Expanding your reach
  • Diversifying your engagement


  • Stakeholder Identification & Mapping
  • Stakeholder Communications Planning

Issues and Crisis Communications

  • Quick containment time
  • Positive audience sentiment
  • Stakeholder trust

Media Training

  • Confident message delivery
  • Composed crisis handling
  • Consistent positive coverage

Corporate Communication

  • Strong message recall
  • Growing brand reputation
  • Long-term stakeholder loyalty

Media Relations

  • Expanded visibility and reach
  • Strategic brand influence
  • Active audience engagement


Strategic Planning for Campaigns

Know where to communicate. Cover all the bases as early as the planning stage.

Campaigns are complex undertakings that require careful preparation and execution in order to be successful. With the right strategies, Public Relations firms can use the power of communication to reach out to the right audience and inspire them to act.

We begin by mapping out what your audience is already doing and where they’re already communicating. We plan out what real value we can offer to get them to listen and take notice. Then, we use targeted messaging that is easy to adopt and easy to share. The goal is organic spread, and to get there, we need the right tactics.


Issues Management

Take control of the unpredictable. Identify and address potential problems before they escalate. Avoid disruptions, protect your reputation, and maintain stakeholder trust.

Even though PR agencies can never fully predict what happens, we have a record of likely crises gathered from our own experiences as well as the experiences of our global partners from Public Relations Organisation International (PROI). This collective knowledge spans various industries, each with its own required subtleties to every solution.

M2.0 Communications is backed by an experienced senior management team that helps your brand stay ahead of issues. Our team has extensive experience across a wide array of industries, enabling us to provide practical advice in high-risk situations.


Stakeholder Management

Strengthen connections that matter. Know the needs of both your internal and external stakeholders.

In any organization, there are always a variety of stakeholders with a vested interest in its success or failure. From shareholders and customers to employees and vendors, each stakeholder group has its own objectives and needs. As a result, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the role that each one plays in order to effectively manage the expectations of all parties involved.

As a communications agency, we utilize data and analytics to identify the most important stakeholders for your brand. We assess the motivations for each segment and set out communication objectives around that. Then, we keep a communications calendar and allocate a budget based on the above priorities. As we execute the calendar, we use metrics to evaluate how clearly we have been communicating with them. As we go along, we adapt our plan according to the things we learn.


Media Communications Training

Speak with purpose. Reporters and public audiences can be unforgiving when you’re not in the room, so tell your brand story effectively while you are.​

Whether you’re working with clients or customers, managing a team, or handling conflict, being able to communicate clearly and confidently can make all the difference.

With the ubiquity of the internet, eyes are always watching. With proper media training, anyone can be a newsworthy, captivating speaker who communicates with purpose and clarity. Go even further by establishing yourself as a thought leader who creates higher profile mentions in public news media.

The program is conducted by experienced media trainers, aimed at preparing and familiarizing spokespersons with brand storytelling, interviews, and engagements with media. The program covers emerging themes and narratives, key message development, and crisis communications.

Stay on top of things.​​